Saturday, September 5, 2009

04.09.2009-->Jenny's farewell day + party ^^v

 office hav a farewell party 4 a dearest colleague tt had resign....v hv tk many photos wit her--->Jenny ^O^ (guess which 1 is she??!!)

all of us really umg se tak Jenny anyway wish her all the best..god alwez by her side n blessing her ^^ n i'll miss her so much too...coz really hv many sweet memory wit her when v work 2gether bout 2 yrs n more.....

when the farewell party..i buy a cake 4her(tt is b4 tt i promise her :blekkkxxxx...) n v take many photos(got funny,serious,sot sot......n more ^^v)
at last....wat i wanna say 2 Miss Jenny is...

Dear fren,wish u all da best...n rmb find us when u free...v can meet when our lunch time 1...n oso go gai gai o :blekxXxXxxxx.....hahahaha ^O^

keep in touch fren~

n i upload many many of those photo nie~~~~n those poses so nice rite(really beh tahan liao...)??no ppl can banding our poses...coz too geng jor :blekkxXxXxxxx....

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