Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5th August...

2day morning at office workin...den suddenly my collegeu wan me design a A4 size bufday card...

coz our 2nd boss bufday on 7th August....
y v nid design??coz the boss's daughter sms inform us tt she wanna gv a suprise 4her daddy(2nd boss)...
so she nid all stafff tk photo n write something 2 wishing our 2nd boss....

so 1 dept design my collegeu wan me 2design it....
bt the problaem is.....don some ppl don hv photo neh????
den horrrr.....i nid 2draw out all the stuffs' face at our pity....althought i know hard 2draw out ppl face neh~~~~

den horrr....i jus change all the face n draw like comic version....
haizxxxx....den all the face like sublings not collegeus....
isssshhhhh....pei seh neh~~~~

whatever face come out is ok d ma.....don mind it so much larrr.....
grrrr~~~~i 4get 2 tk a photo when the A4 card pass 4 other ppl...issshhhh.....
nvm lar...c got chance tk bk onot...den i go tk photo n post at here...

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