Tuesday, August 4, 2009

worth onot??!!!

recently my mood too bad d....coz of somethings.....

juz now i go read my fren's blog n 不小心 read another fren's blog....
suddenly i feel really wanna scold her!!!!!y she can 4gv someone betray us so easyly??!!

the story is like dis....(the fren who betray us cal 'X')
tt time X can 'wei le' her ex-bf...betray n qiut out our frenship....
tt time me,fish,s.f,ah ne so angry y she can terat us like tt jz of her ex-bf???!!!!is tt bf important than 9 yrs frenship??!!

tt time s.f so fren wit X...n less contact wit me n fish....coz of wat X do...so s.f more fren wit us..n v all vy happy n more close on each other after X quit out...n wat X hv do really make us so mad on it!!!!!
so v d say wont 4gv her anymore althought she find bk us again.....dis is our 约定....

bt recently....X find bk us again....coz she d SEPARATE wit her ex!!!!!
den start got argueing between me,fish,s.f n ah ne....
the most madly is fish,s.f n ah ne already 偷偷 4gv her edi...n tel X tt they'l settle me here tt i'l 4gv X too....

i hate the peson tt not respect the frenship!!!!say wont 2gv X bt偷偷4gvX..after cai askin me many if if if de question.....ask stil end den wan me 4gv n accept X..
den at last i jz ask bk them 1 if de question---"if tt X not SEPARATE wit her ex-bf,she'l find bk us??"
bt they cant answerin my question,jz know sayin nonsense den blamin me y wan 'wei nam' them choose between me n X....is tt really my false wan them choose???


i really don know y u so happy stil can fly tt when X find bk u.....wat u say b4 u really 4get????
i really disappointed on u....tt time u so fren wit X bt she d decide don wan u dis fren,u cai come close wit us.....(i'm saying rite???!!!u know urself!!!tt time u juz close wit X not us!!)den wat u d say??!!u there juz know say she really regret n so lonely coz don hv frens....bt u got think tt if she don wei le her ex den betray us,she wont so pity!!!!y she wan stil separate jor cai know regret bt not she stil wit her ex tt time she regret???y?y?y?the most i angry is u can so fast 4gv her than y tt time u wan come close wit us when she don wan u dis fren!!!!y tt time u complain her den v 'an wei' u???if tt time u don find us,now u decide to 4gv her i oso wont so madly on u!!!!y??juz is bcoz she more important??i know u sayang her bt u know,dis unfair 4us!!!den now u come blamin me y wan u all choose between me n X????(i d tel early when X quit ou of dis frenship!!i d say if dis frenship got me den don hv X...got X don hv me!!!)
y u don go blame X tt y she wan find bk us n make us argue n oso make u wan choose between me n her???y u don think tt dis 2yrs she not in our frenship v oso happy??y stil wan her bk???jz bcoz she lonely???y u not say is X 自己拿来 sui de???y u all blmin on me not her??!!!is tt fair 4me???fair???

TO:Ah ne
i oso thought u wont 4gv X bt wat u say n do is really cant blif lo....my really blif wrong ppl edi....really disappointed on u too....now u alwez say me stubborn say me so 幼稚...den u leh???is tt u don hv 自尊心,没原则???she treat u like bull shit!!!den u so easy 4gv her....i really "pei si" u lo....u alwez say u wont mispromise bt u really mis the promise!!!y u can blamin me tt all is my false n i stubborn, don think u all???bt y u cant think on me?is tt really worth get X bk dis frenship n don wan me dis fren??worth it??last 2 yrs v don hv X oso can close...y when X find bk u all,u all cant 4get whole thing n go 4gv her without inform me tt after u all accept her den wan me accept her too??!!!i really hate the person do like dis...
like everyone 4gv her den i sure must 4gv her.....
now i don 4gv her n wan u all choose me or her...den u come blamin me....y u don go blame X?y blame me??it tt fair 4me???y u all can broke the promise?y?y?y?

wat u say i oso confuse....i don know wan blif u say or other 3 ppl say wat u hv do....u tel me tt not worth go 4gv X n lose me dis fren bt wat i hear from d other is u edi 4gv X.....u wan me blif who???u or them???how???u say u wont 4gv althought i ask u many time,u say me stil wan askin u nonsense...bt i really not confidence on ur answer!!!coz wat u say on me n 4them not same at all??is u liy me or they lie me???

TO:L.F n Lillian
so soli tt let other ppl go kacau u all...soli....fun really soli,i know recently ur mood so bad...den s.f stil go fan u....n ur face alwez change black....2nd August tt day actually is a happy day 4us...bt after u pick up a cal,u face d change black....i know wat d happen n go face on it!!!so they wont kacau u n say u unfair d....i swear so u jz settle ur things n jz ignore here...

wat i hv decide,fun jz support(支持) not stand on my side(站在我这里)
pls improve the english the 1 don understandin the english!!!!don misunderstand here n go say nonsense thongs!!!!!i so hate dis knid of person!!!!

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